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Why Choose a Rectangular Trampoline?

Rectangular trampolines, although, more expensive than round trampolines, can be well worth the money. Many athletes and gymnasts train on rectangular trampolines to build endurance, stamina and coordination. Unlike round trampolines, which have a center gravitational point, rectangular trampolines do not. Each individual springs work at different rates, giving the jumper the ability to perform maneuvers and have control of their bounce throughout various parts of the mat. Parents, who want their children to excel in sports, have rectangular trampolines in their backyards. Many professional/personal trainers recommend their athletes to train on rectangular trampolines. Just 45 minutes per day on trampoline training can make a tremendous different in an athlete’s motor skills. The twisting and turning, while suspended in air helps with the coordination and body control. The constant jumping improves the endurance, stamina, strength and builds bone density.

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